Career and Business

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How to develop and obtain your safety!

What information will you find here?

  • Production : How to efficiently distribute your goods and services>>

  • Consumption : We consume what is necessary and most convenient for a full life? Even Better, do we take that into account before putting any product on the street?

  • Distribution : Now that I have the product, how do I get it to reach as many hands as possible?

  • Technology : Where are we going and how far can we go?

  • Education : We are what we think. Help me think!

  • Science ; What do we need to discover?

  • Corporation ( Energy, Business, investments) : What do I offer, what is my market, where do I find demand?

  • Architecture : So much treasure hidden in a simple  construction design. 

  • Transportation : How fast? How far! How much traffic! Where is my parking lot? Let’s talk about it!

What are the means of transmission

  • Podcast
  • Blog
  • Videos
  • Images
  • Poll
  • Raffles
  • Discussions
  • Challenges
  • Boot camp
  • Tutorials

Stay Tune!
