Fun and recreation

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How much more can we experience?

What information will you find here?

  • Sculpture: Some see art, others an important event in history!

  • Painting : Count 5 things that are painted around you? Is it true that there were many more?

  • Music : To calm down, to enjoy, to laugh, to cry… 

  • Dance : The dance full flashes of feelings made movements.

  • Poetry and literature : Let’s get lost between verses and lyrics that inspire us and not make us lose our minds! 

  • Cinema : How fantastic it is to be able to travel to the past and the future with just a screen.

  • Culture : What defines us! What defines you?

What are the means of transmission

  • Podcast
  • Blog
  • Videos
  • Images
  • Poll
  • Raffles
  • Discussions
  • Challenges
  • Boot camp
  • Tutorials

Stay Tune!

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